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Off Активность: сен 19 2021 22:08

Мои темы

WP - FS Poster v2.5.3

21 Декабрь 2018 - 22:21


FS Poster - плагин для автопостинга в соц. сети для WordPress. Поддерживает публикацию, постов, товаров, страницы. Доступна публикация в 10 соц. сетей, планировщик, журнал логов и приятный интерфейс.


На данный момент поддерживаются:

  • Facebook ( accounts, personal pages, liked pages, groups )
  • Twitter ( accounts)
  • Instagram ( accounts)
  • Google+ ( accounts , communities )
  • Linkedin ( accounts, companies )
  • Pinterest ( accounts)
  • Reddit ( accounts )
  • Tumblr ( accounts )
  • VK.com ( accounts, pages, groups, events )
  • OK.ru ( accounts, groups )


Страница с плагином



[Michael W Lucas] SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys (IT Mastery) [PDF, EPUB, MOBI]

17 Сентябрь 2018 - 18:02

Название: SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys (IT Mastery) [PDF, EPUB, MOBI]

Автор: Michael W Lucas

Secure Shell (SSH) lets sysadmins securely manage remote systems. It’s powerful, complicated, and confusing. Lose the confusion. SSH Mastery rescues you from sifting through decades of obsolete online tutorials and quickly makes you an SSH journeyman. You’ll learn to
  • eliminate passwords
  • manage access by users, groups, addresses, and more
  • securely move files around your network
  • forward graphic displays
  • proxy TCP connections
  • build SOCKS proxies
  • centrally manage and distribute keys and configurations
  • use SSH as secure transport for other applications
  • build virtual private networks
  • create Certificate Authorities for massive scale deployment
Master Secure Shell with SSH Mastery!



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